Patient safety is the most important value for the Gedeon Richter Group. Thus monitoring adverse drug events occurring during pharmacotherapy is especially important for us. We offer to
3 mg + 0,03 mg
Coated tablets
Przechowywać w oryginalnym opakowaniu w celu ochrony przed światłem, w temp. poniżej 30 °C
Women are particularly important patients for us. We are perfectly aware of their needs. For many decades, we have been performing very in-depth analyses of their health and illnesses that may affect women of different ages.
Every disease gives rise to questions of what...
Rational diet during pregnancy should be an adequate...
This section contains information intended solely for doctors, pharmacists and other persons authorised to receive specialty medical information.
If you are a doctor, pharmacist or are otherwise authorised to receive specialty medical information continue to the next page.
W przeciwnym razie, zapraszamy do zapoznania się z pozostałą częścią naszego serwisu powrót do strony głównej
We are all looking forward to new, excellent medicines and even more effective therapies. Sometimes, it takes a long time before the drug will be released to the market. It usually starts with the idea of a new product, a long period of research, testing, and the production and distribution of the new medicine.