
  • Active substance


  • Dosage

    1500 ug

  • Pharmaceutical form


  • Product category


  • Refund


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  • Driving a car


  • Taking on an empty stomach


  • Breast feeding


  • Drug storage

    Przechowywać w oryginalnym opakowaniu w celu ochrony przed światłem °C

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Gynaecology and endocrinology

Women are particularly important patients for us. We are perfectly aware of their needs. For many decades, we have been performing very in-depth analyses of their health and illnesses that may affect women of different ages.

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Worth to read

Identity confirmation

This section contains information intended solely for doctors, pharmacists and other persons authorised to receive specialty medical information.

If you are a doctor, pharmacist or are otherwise authorised to receive specialty medical information continue to the next page.

  • Doctors
  • Pharmacists
  • Medical

W przeciwnym razie, zapraszamy do zapoznania się z pozostałą częścią naszego serwisu powrót do strony głównej

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How are drugs manufactured

From idea to patient

We are all looking forward to new, excellent medicines and even more effective therapies. Sometimes, it takes a long time before the drug will be released to the market. It usually starts with the idea of ​​a new product, a long period of research, testing, and the production and distribution of the new medicine.

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