
The diseases of the urinary system, which are the subject of the medical field known as urology, are one of the most common reasons why patients visit their GPs. This concerns men and women alike.  

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It is worth remembering that male urology deals with the anatomy, physiology and pathologies of the urogenital system, while female urology – with the urinary system only.

However, some of the urological conditions affect both sexes. The most frequent reasons why men visit their urologists include prostate gland enlargement, or benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis, urinary tract infections, urinary stones (urolithiasis) and prostate cancer. These serious diseases mainly affect men over 60 years of age. However, they also occur in younger patients.

Men often struggle with hormonal disorders, haematuria and testicular cancers. Moreover, common male diseases include erectile dysfunctions, impotence and urinary incontinence.


The portfolio of Gedeon Richter includes, amongst others, drugs that help to reduce the complaints related to prostate gland enlargement in men as well as to treat the symptoms of this increasingly common disease.



https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zakażenie_układu_moczowego#Epidemiologia Polecam przypis i źródło. I am aware that Wikipedia is not very trustworthy.



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