Communicable diseases occur on each continent and may affect all living organisms – humans, animals and plants. These diseases occur when the body becomes infected with an infectious agent and the body’s immune forces are disturbed or when the bioactive microbial toxins appear. The group of communicable diseases includes both the almost asymptomatic conditions, which are relatively easily managed by our body, and conditions that may be extremely dangerous for our body and quickly lead to our death. It is therefore no surprise that this group encompasses not only such diseases as common cold, rhinitis, tonsillitis, measles, herpes, smallpox, zoster, chronic rhinitis or flu, but also Lyme disease, cholera, bubonic fever, yellow fever, three-day fever, syphilis, gonorrhoea or mononucleosis. Being aware of the prevalence of communicable diseases, Gedeon Richter is continuously developing drug formulations that help to fight infection-causing microorganisms. Apart from the drugs which help in the treatment of acute and chronic infections of the urinary tract, lower respiratory tract, ears, nose and throat (ENT infections), as well as infections of the reproductive and genital organs (including gonorrhoea), we also provide drugs to combat infections in the abdominal cavity, infections of the skin, soft tissues, bones and joints. Our portfolio also includes medicines that support the treatment of viral infections and boost the impaired immune system, drugs which are used in the case of recurrent infections of the upper respiratory tract which affect millions of people worldwide. Source: Encyklopedia zdrowia pod redakcją Witolda S. Gumułki i Wojciecha Rewerskiego [The Encyclopaedia of Health edited by Witold S. Gumułka and Wojciech Rewerski], volume I, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2001, p. 933