Patient safety is the most important value for the Gedeon Richter Group. Thus monitoring adverse drug events occurring during pharmacotherapy is especially important for us. We offer to
A strong immune system has the capacity to resist viral and bacterial infections. What makes some people more resistant and healthy, while others have a poor immune system and are constantly sick? What does the immunity of our organisms depend on? What does the immunity of our organisms depend on? Some people are never sick. […]
A strong immune system has the capacity to resist viral and bacterial infections. What makes some people more resistant and healthy, while others have a poor immune system and are constantly sick? What does the immunity of our organisms depend on?
What does the immunity of our organisms depend on? Some people are never sick. Others are prone to pharyngitis, bronchitis, or the flu immediately after having recovered from the common cold. The immune system is responsible for our predisposition to infections. When weak, it is incapable of fighting microorganisms – germs can settle in the respiratory tract, damaging nasal, pharyngeal, and laryngeal mucosa, or travel down to the bronchi or lungs, causing inflammation. Some germs are fiercer than others. While we try to fight them, they strive to outwit us by mutating. Viruses are much more resourceful that way. Once they modify their aminoacid structure, they are ready to invade our bodies, as our immune system has no memory record of them. Only a strong organism can resist their intrusive behaviour, even if everyone around is coughing and sneezing.